To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
I hate to resort to the public prints for my complaints, but occasionally I become so incensed that I feel I must complain to some one. This time it is those silly people in Washington who don't want to draft 18 year olds.
I am a mother, and my daughter, who goes to Radcliffe, is 18 years old. Every weekend she goes out with a Harvard boy 18 years old, and I say draft him and his kind, the whole lot of them, the quicker the better.
Mothers of 18 year old boys may wonder why I say this. They should see my daughter's "suitor.' They should see him simpering on her doorstep, his fuzzy face shining and insipid, his white shoes dirty and scuffed. They should hear his simple-minded conversation. Compare him with the veterans, compare him with the married men, compare him with the reservists who will have to go if he is deferred. I speak for other women, I am sure, in saying take this boy, put him in uniform, give him the experience which will make a man out of him. Draft him. A Radcliffe Mother
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