Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. '38, associate professor of History, and Alvin H. Hansen, Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Political Economy, will head the list of educators at the Fourth Annual Convention of the State Chapter of Americans for Democratic Action on January 27 in Boston's Copley Plaza Hotel.
Schlesinger will chair an 11:30 session discussing international affairs in which Carl Kaysen, assistant professor of Economics, and John K. Fairbank '29, professor of History, will participate.
Another 11:30 discussion will be devoted to a discussion of "Mobilization--National and State Effects." Hansen and Richard H. Field, professor of Law, will serve on the panel.
Following the panel sessions the main business of the convention, the adoption of a 1951 State Program, will get under way. Among the chief issues to be considered are pre-primary Party Conventions and realistic taxation programs to meet increased State expenses. Senator Paul H. Douglas will address the delegates at the Roosevelt Day Dinner later in the evening.
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