
Salzburg Selects Four Assistants

Four undergraduates have been chosen as student assistants at the Salzburg Seminar, the seminar headquarters announced last night.

They are Robert E. Herzstein '52 of Denver, Colorado, and Kirkland House, Maximillian w. Kempner '51 of New York City and Winthrop House, John H. Mansfield '52 of San Francisco and Lowell House, and Neil J. Smelser '52 of Phoenix, Arizons, and Adams House.

There men will spend six weeks next summer at the Seminar in Saizburg, Austria. There they will meet with leading young professionals and scholars from all over Europe brought together to study American culture under American college professors.

Wile in the United States the assistants will take on various administrative duties, including fund raising fund raising for the non-profit Seminar.
