Kirkland edged out Dunster, 40 to 39, and Adams narrowly downed Dudley, 37 to 34, in two close basketball games in the Indoor Athletic Building yesterday.
Eliot took an easy 42 to 33 victory from a none too sharp Winthrop team.
It was the Gold Coasters first win of the season, leaving Dudley still without a victory. High scorer for Adams was Dick Lawrence with 10, while Vinnie Akilaian took honors for the Commuters with 12.
Kirkland was leading, 24 to 17, at the half, but the Deacons had trouble keeping ahead of Dunster's determined team in the second period. For the last five minutes of play, the Funsters were never trailing by more than three points. John Tangen was high scorer for the Deacons with 14, Bob Smith for Dunster with 10.
Eliot had no trouble in downing an unusually listless Winthrop squad. Major Close's 11 points made him high man for the Elephants.
In the House squash leagues: Lowsell defeated Winthrop, 3 to 2 in the A League, and 4 to 1 in the B; Dunster beat Loverett in both leagues, 3 to 2 in the A, and 4 to 1 in the B Kirkland and Eliot split the Elephants taking the Deacons, 8 to 2 in the A League, with Kirkland coming back to win, 3 to 2, in the B League.
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