To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
It was with considerable pleasure that I received several pst issues of the CRIMSON from my brother, Craig K. Zane '53. I am taking time off at this time from the debauched and lackadaisical life on an Army training camp to blow a few ill winds your way.
It is hardly necessary to say that I am consumed with envy for all college students, particularly Harvard Men. From the Siberia of these United States, camp Polk, Louisiana, I salute You All. Surrounded by playful armadilloes, malevolent coral snakes, sand, rain, mud and Okies, I languish, forgotten and ignored. Quite seriously, though, the New Army is no better than any other previous one. My considered advice to everyone who has not come under the arm-garters of our communal Uncle Sam is to raise hell until the axe falls. It is not a funny axe, nor is it a funny Army.
To you Chosen Ones, men who resent standing in line to buy a coffee at the Bick, it will be the worst does you'll ever have to choke down. The life of the dogfact may be amusing in a Bill Mauldin cartoon, but, Buster, show me the Patriotic Young American who would trade a Beauty-rest and a blonde for a hole in the ground. . . .
A Happy New Year to all who are sober enough at this early hour to read this. Charles M. Zane '50 Co. L, 270th Inf. 45th Div. Camp Polk, La.
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