
21 Selected for Law School Dorm Council Positions

The election of 21 men to the new Law School Dormitory Council was announced yesterday by the Dean's Office. S. Kenric Lessey 3L, temporary chairman of the council, called an organizational meeting of the group for 7:30 p.m. tonight in the seminar room in Walter Hastings basement.

Elected from Walter Hastings to the council were Lessey, Jack E. Hollenberg 3L, Edward H. Snyder 3L, Stanley Rothenberg 1L, and Seymour Levine 2L, Chosen from Story were John Olin 1L, Ernest Oakland 3L, Nathan J. Siegel 3L, and Stuart B. Walser 3L.

Six Dorms Elect

Named from Shaw were Robert Coulson 1L, Howard H. Weisberg 3L, and Monroe L. Inker 3L. Picked from Holmes were Albert L. Cohn 3L, and Donald F. Ryman 3L.

Selected from Ames were Lawrence Newmark 1L, Philip T. Kaplan 1L, Francis D. Fisher 3L, and Robert D. Taichert 2L. Designated from Dane were Russell R. Pearson 2L, Anton M. Lund 1L, and Phillip N. Crawford 2L.
