While University Hall proceeds under a policy of "normalcy" toward the Korean war, the other members of the Big Three have been taking more positive steps toward possible mobilization.
A. Whitney Griswold, president of Yale, appointed a special committee Friday to meet all emergency requirements that might arise from the war.
The committee composed of administrative officers and deans, will conduct all negotiations with federal, civilian, and war agencies on questions of teaching and research.
Princeton Readles
Princeton has created a special administrative department to advise students on draft questions and to aid men in solving any particular personal draft problems. Under the direction of assistant dean Lippincott, the new agency is called the Service Information Center.
Only six reservists have been activated from Princeton's student body, and no one has as yet been drafted. Three faculty members, however, have been called up by the Navy. Included in this trio is Merle Lawrence, associate professor of Psychology.
The Princeton faculty could conceivably be the hardest hit by a total mobilization order since almost one-third of the teaching staff is in some branch of the Reserve.
Popular Courses
Military and naval sciences were the most popular courses with incoming Princeton freshmen. Of eight hundred men registered in the Class of 1954, 250 applied for admission into the R.O.T.C. and 150 sought appointments as contract students with the N.R.O.T.C.
Princeton is, of course, keeping all research facilities ready so that they can be made available to the government in an emergency. Yale, too, is getting set in this respect. Griswold said that the new committee is now determining the status of all reserve officers who are members of the faculty so that further plans can be made to keep the teaching and research staffs at full strength.
Both Yale and Princeton, like the College, saw great numbers of trainees pass through during the last year. Yale, for example, trained more than 18,000 men for service with the Army, Navy, and Marines.
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