The University lost two professors by death over the summer. Kirk Bryan, 62, professor of Physiography died of a heart attack on August 22 at Cody Wyoming; Harald M. Westergaard, 61, former Dean if the Graduate School of Engineering, and Gordon McKay, professor of Civil Engineering died on June 24 in Cambridge after an illness of several months.
Professor Bryan was born in Albuquerpue, New Mexico, recieved his A.B. degree at the University of New Mexico in 1909. He received the Ph.D. degree from Yale in 1920. He joined the faculty here in 1926, and was made a full professor in 1943.
He served with the American Expeditionary Force in France during World War I, and also served with the U.S. Geological Survey. He was a member of numerous scientific organizations and acted as special consultant on many geological projects. He was on a field research project at the time of his death.
Professor Westergaard, born in Copenhagen, Denmark, was one of the world's foremost authorities on elasticity the reaction of structural materials to loads and strains. He joined the faculty in 1924 and became a full professor in 1926. He was Dean of the Graduate School of Engineering from 1937 to 1946, and he won many medals and prizes, the latest being the Thomas Row-land Fitch Prize of the American Society of Civil Engineers in January of this year.
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