Tests of the Graduate Record Examination, required of applicants for admissions to a number of graduate schools, will be administered four times in the coming year at examination centers throughout the country.
During 1949-50 nearly 13,000 students took the G.R.E. in partial fulfillment of admission requirements of graduate schools which prescribed it. The tests are administered by the Educational Testing Service of Princeton, New Jersey.
This fall candidates may take the exam on October 27 and 28; in 1961 the dates are February 3 and 3, May 4 and 5, August 3 and 4. Graduate schools will notify their applicants whether or not they are expected to take the test and, if so, on which dates.
The G.R.E. tests are similar to those offered by the College Board Examiners to prospective college men The examination includes a test of general scholastic ability, tests of general achievement in six bread fields of undergraduate study, and advanced level tests of achievement in various subjects.
Although many law schools throughout the country require the G.R.E. exams, Harvard Law School does not include these in its testing of applicants. The University's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences does, however, employ the Grad Record Tests.
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