Fifty-six Harvard students and alumni have won Fulbright awards for study in foreign countries during the academic year 01/09/1950-51, Provost Paul H. Buck announced this week.
The recipients and the countries in which they will study follows:
France: Philip C. F. Bankwitz; JeanPierre Barricelli; Charles Breunig; Preston C. Combs; John S. Coolidge; Richard A. Hornstein; Richard L. Ingraham; Harold Lubel (Second year grant); Martin E. Malia; Lawrence F. Markus; Warren D. Noakes; Whitson M. Overcash, Jr.; Milman Parry; Daniel R. Pinkham, Jr.; Jesse R. Pitts; Peter E. Schneider; Stephen M. Schwebel; Willard D. Sharpe; Sidney Simon; Edward Wasiolek.
England: Jess B. Bessinger, Jr.; Burton S. Dreben; James W. Ford (Second year grant); Robert E. Garis; Philip P. Hallie (Second year grant); Robert A. Kagen; Jerome J. Londinsky (Second year grant); Carroll F. Miles; Donald E. Paradis; Jacob M. Price (Second year grant); Taylor A. Steeves; Charles S. Thompson, Jr.; Stanislaw H. Wellisz; Alvin Whitley; Norman M. Wolcott; Christopher Wright (Second year grant); Arthur J. Vidich.
Italy: Freeman W. Adams; Howard C. Bennett, Jr.; Ruth C. Burke; Dale C. Byrd; Robert M. Durling; Joseph M. Goodman; Ernest R. Hacker (Second year grant); Hamilton A. Mathes; Alfred K. Moir; Freeland E. Romans (Second year grant); Clauds V. Pascila; Emanuel N. Turano; Raphael Zariski.
Greece: Edwin J. Doyle; Gerald J. Sullivan. Netherlands: Richard H. Crowell; Wolfgang W. Hallo. Belgium: Kay T. Rogers. New Zealand: Harrison F. Wright.
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