
Varsity Club Urges All Members Screen and Attract Athletes Here

Letter Asks Alumni to Do 'Effective Job' Of Talking to Schoolboys About Harvard

The Varsity Club, in a letter mailed out to its members early this month, explains an expanded program "to get more good athletes of strong character, leadership, and academic ability."

"We want to be told of good athletes and which Harvard men are of influence and ready to help by getting in touch with boys in each school and community in the country; we want to know of more jobs available for athletes during college terms, vacations between terms and summer vacations ...; we want to help get more scholarships available for athletes; we want to make the new Varsity Club house (approved by the Corporation last May) a valuable active centre its which the players will have pride, have good times, and get close together; where graduates and undergraduates will see each other and undergraduates will realize that the graduates are interested and want to support their teams; where schoolboys visiting Cambridge can be shown around, and their interest and respect won so that they will want to be a part of Harvard and a future member of the Varsity Club.

"Through our members we hope to spread the word of our new activity and in time accomplish a forceful organization of men who will enjoy as an active hobby getting in touch with their local schoolboy athletes, helping them know of Harvard's interest in them, get them to come to Harvard, follow their progress at Harvard and take a 'fatherly' pride in having done well by the boy and by Harvard."

The Club is planning a brochure to be sent to members and other alumni interested in the program, which will help graduates do a "sensible and effective job in talking with a schoolboy about Harvard."

Changes in the Club constitution and by-laws approved at its June meeting provide for an associate membership in the Club for alumni not eligible for a regular membership. A minor "H" membership was also added.


Work has not yet been started on the new club house, scheduled for construction on Mt. Auburn Street in front of Lowell House.
