
University's Plans Stress 'Normalcy' Despite War

But Plans Set for Quick Shift to Wartime Basis If Situation Worsens; Over 15 Men Called

"Keep things as normal as possible" will be the Harvard policy in what may be the University's last peacetime year.

Although the summer has brought University Hall its share of the national tension, the long arm of the Defense Department has tapped few here and the University is going ahead with its pre-Korea plans for the 01/09/1950-1951 academic year. But Harvard will be ready to take steps "as the war situation becomes clarified," Provost Buck said yesterday.

So far, fewer than 20 College students, several more graduate students, and only one faculty member have been lost to military service, although no one will know the whole story until the University adds up registration totals next week.

Faculty Reservists

The first faculty member called to service is Stephen M. Parrish, teaching follow in English. He was activated as a lieutenant commander in the Naval Reserve three weeks ago and is now in Washington. Thomas E. Crooks '49, assistant dean of freshmen, has been called up and passed a preliminary physical examination for the reserves, but McGeorge Bundy, lecturer in Government, failed to pass his test when called up for a similar examination.


Many other younger faculty men are on the danger list, Dean Bender said, since a large number of them are reservists. Even Dean Bender himself in a lieutenant in the Naval Reserve, and at Graduate School, Dean Rogers is a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Reserve.

No Emergency Steps

But because these military calls have made such a small dent so far, it is unlikely that the University will soon return to such emergency measures as midterm graduations and summer terms. But the University may undertake more scientific projects for the Navy.

As time goes on, the Administrative Board will set proposals for further mobilization of the University's resources before Provost Buck and the Faculty. In the meantime, Dean Bender said, "Things will be kept as normal as possible."
