
Jordan Picks Varsity Squad Of 37 Men, With 15 Sophs

With Columbia scheduled to report to the Stadium in slightly over two weeks for what will constitute the official opening of the 01/09/1950 football season hereabouts, head coach Lloyd Jordan yesterday issued numeraled jerseys to the 37 players who will make up his varsity squad for the time being.

Twelve lettermen are represented in this group, three of whom--left end Dike Hyde, center Paul O'Brien, and fullback Johnny West--started last year's Yale game, and a fourth--Captain Phil Isenberg--who was considered a first string player even though he started on defense only.

Inasmuch as O'Brien has been alternating at center on the third team, this leaves nine positions on the starting offensive unit to be filled by men who were not first string players last fall. In the case of Isenberg, he was not first string at the position he is playing now (tailback); indeed, it is an entirely new position for him.

First String Not Constant

Jordan's first string lineup has been fluid since practice started two weeks ago. Men have been shifted in position and shunted around among the first three teams as Jordan and his staff seek their most effective combination. Isenberg, for instance, started work this fall as a quarterback and Jerry Blitz, a fullback by trade, served briefly as a halfback before being returned to his regular position. Jordan is conducting everything on a "you have to show me" basis, which means that battlewise veterans must prove themselves the same as eager newcomers must, and this explains Dave O'Brien's current standing.


On the 15 sophomores on the 37-man squad, two of them--right tackle John Nichols and quarterback Gil O'Neil--have broken into the lineup which has been working as Jordan's number one team for the past few days. In addition to Hyde and West, there are six 1949 lettermen on this team; left tackle Phil Connelly, who has been converted from a guard; right end Fred Ravreby; guards Jerry Kanter and Bill Rosenau; Isenberg; and wingback Dave Warden. The eleventh man is Red Lewis, first string junior varsity center last season.

Once beyond the first team, the number of lettermen decreases and the number of sophomores increases. There are five sophomores on the second team: ends Paul Crowley and Stan Britton; left tackle Bob Stargel; right guard Hank Toepke; and center Buddy Lemay. Right tackle Duke Sedgwick and quarterback Carroll Lowenstein are the two lettermen on this eleven. Left guard Bob Fallon, tailback Dusty Burke, wingback. Red Wylie, and fullback Tom Ossman--all jayvees last year--complete the lineup:

The third team includes six sophomores and a single letterman. It has been lining up with George Emmons and Hank Rate, ends; Nick Culolias and Dick Heidtmann, tackles; John Jennings and Lew Gordon, guards; and O'Brien, center. Bainy Frothingham has been alternating with O'Brien. Bill Kierstead and Hardy Cox change off at quarterback with Bob Ray and Phil. Campbell as the halves and Blitz at fullback.

Two Lettermen Overlooked

Ray, a letterman, is not listed among the first 37, although he ran with the third team Wednesday, and another letter winner, end Don Cass, was also left off this tentative squad. Tailback Bill Healley, out of action with a leg injury, and end Bob Di Blasio, recovering from an appendectomy, have been included on the varsity roster. In Wednesday's workout, Blitz replaced Ossman, who was somewhat bruised, on the second string.

Jordan continues to teach a basically single wing type of offense, which is the attack he knows best. However he must make variations and adjustments in line with his material, so that actually it is a "single wing T" with direct and indirect passing from center
