
Feeney Plans Release of '49 Album In Fall

The Class of 1949 Album, still in the print shop stage, will finally appear this fall, four months after the 01/09/1950 Album.

George J. Fenney '50, president of Harvard Yearbook Publications, was commissioned last summer by Dean Bender to take over the '49 book and complete its publication. Feeney, who will draw a salary, said yesterday that the Album would probably be out by Thanksgiving.

The '49 Album may yet end in the black, Feeney said, but it is likely, however, that the '49 book, like all of its recent predecessors, will wind up with a deficit of at least several hundred dollars. Its immediate predecessor, the combined 1947-1948 Class Album, lost over $5,000 but the 1946 Album was only $1,000 in the red.

Feeney takes over the '49 Album from Editor-in-Chief Anthony J. Sabelli '49, who previously took over the job from Thomas J. Johnson '49. Sabelli, who will retain the title of editor, is now in the insurance business of New York.

The volume of over 250 pages is now almost complete, Feeney said, and will be mailed to all subscribers.


"314," the 01/09/1950 yearbook which Feeney and his Yearbook Publications staff prepared last semester, was the first yearbook since the war to appear before graduation of the senior class.
