
Brattle Troupe Will Help Stage Broadway Play

The Brattle Theatre Company will appear on Broadway next month in the Theatre Guild's production of Sir John Van Brugh's restoration farce. "The Relapse." Cyril Ritchard, who was recently starred in "The Country Wife" at the Brattle Theatre, will have featured billing.

Albert Marre, managing director of the Brattle Theatre Company, will be associate director with Richard. Other members of the regular Brattle company who will appear include John Emery, Robert Fletcher '45, Jan Farrand, David Hersey ocC, Jerry Kilty '50, and Phillips Bevens.

Theresa Helburn, one of the directors of the Theatre Guild, stated earlier this week that "The Relapse" will be the third play in the Guild's current subscription season. Tentative plans call for a tryout in Wilmington, Delaware on October 5, followed by a stand in Philadelphia. Plans for the farce call for an October 23 booking at the Cort Theatre in New York.

Robert O'Hearn, Brattle's scenic designer, has designed sets and costumes for the production which are now being executed in Cambridge. Miles 'Morgan '50 will act as technical director and Burry Frederik as stage manager.

Continues Local Performances


The Brattle Theatre Company will continue its Cambridge season this year in spite of the Broadway engagement. The troupe expanded during its summer season at Cohasset, and many of the new members will appear in Cambridge this winter. The first production, scheduled to open October 3, is Pirandello's "Six Characters In Search of an Author," starring Joseph Schildkraut and Ruth Ford.

Miss Helburn, speaking for the Theatre Guild, said that the Guild "has long been interested in the work of the Brattle Theatre Company." She hoped that the production might be "the beginning of a continuing relationship."
