
29 New Proctors Will Take on '54

The list of proctors for the year 01/09/1950-51 appears below. Among the 29 names are included many of the leaders of last year's graduating class as well as men who have had several year's experience in proctoring Yard dorms.

Names of resident advisers are in bold type.

Apley 1--Dominique H. Wyant '50

Clav 9--Aloysius B. McCabe '49

Clav 40--Walter R. McCurdy (Head Proctor)


Dud 23--Paul C. Shafer

Grays 9-10--Theodore J. Schultz

Grays 41-42--Arvid Ek

Hollis 7--Frank S. Ham '50

Holworthy 4--David G. Gill (Head Proctor)

Holwer 20--Borden F. Beck, Jr. '45

Lionel A-21--Robert L. Fischelis '49 and Donald T. Trautman

Mass A-31--Alan S. Manne

Matthews 10--Melvin L. Zurior '50

Matt 22 Richard A. Sears
