
1680 Grad Students Arrive For Year

Few Face Drafting If Present Policy Stays Unchanged

Present draft policy will permit most of the 1680 men registering this week in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to finish their education before being called into service. The current policy is not written into law and could be changed if more men were suddenly needed for the armed forces.

All graduate students in the upper half of their senior class at college will be exempt from service so that they should be able to complete their education before going into service.

The upper half of the class at Harvard College means Group III or better. Men also attain this status when their grades represent 13 points or higher with an A equaling four points, a B three, a C two, and a D one.

These men in the lower half of their senior class at college will not be touched during the academic year, unless they received an induction-notice before they started classes for the year. Men in the lower half are subject to call during the summer.

Most men who continue their education beyond college tend to stand quite well in their classes so that there should not be a major drop in the GSAS enrollment.


Divinity, medical, and dentistry students are at present exempt from draft call by law as well as men accepted provisionally for entrance within a year.

This year GSAS is reducing its enrollment by about 150 as part of a cutback program that will bring the number of students to nearer the pre-World War II total.

GSAS men will be using a majority of the approximately 100 spaces in two new halls of the Graduate Center--William James, and Richards. There will also be a number of GSAS men in Perkins, Conant, and Divinity Halls where there is space for 280 men.

The returning GSAS men mostly indicated a preference for space in the elder dormitories where rooms are larger. The new men living in University halls will find themselves spread out among all five dorms.
