Elimination of the Laboratory, Library, and Guidance plan for Ph. D. and S. D. candidates and a new system of reduced tuition are both part of an overall program of simplification in the G. S. A. S., Francis M. Rogers, dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, declared yesterday.
In contrast to the Laboratory, Library, and Guidance system, under which doctoral candidates were permitted to do research for their theses without enrolling in any courses, a student will now have to enroll with a specified member of the faculty.
Rogers commented, however, that the reason for abolishing the Laboratory, Library, and Guidance program was in order to prevent a student from being "financially penalized" for taking courses. Under the old system of full program of courses would cost $150 more than the registration fee for research alone.
$70 After Two Years
Another important aspect of the new rules is the highly simplified plan of reduced tuition for G. S. A. S. students. A graduate student who has registered and paid for two years of work is now eligible for a reduced tuition rate of $70 per year, no matter whether he is a part of full time student.
The student may register for as many or as few courses as he wants, in contrast to the old system under which he paid $25 per half course and was eligible for the reduced tuition only after having completed the minimum resident requirement for the doctorate.
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