
Peach House Goes Co-operative; Two New Head Residents Named

Radcliffe's Peach House, (33 Healey Street), will turn co-operative next fall to provide for an increased number of students desiring to cut board and room expenses, Dean Small announced yesterday.

Miss Small explained that greater demand this year for co-operative houses made it necessary to open a third off-campus house on a co-operative basis. Under the Annex co-operative program, girls prepare their own meals in the respective houses and so slash the regular board cost in the dorms.

The addition of Peach House brings the number of co-operative houses to three. Both Everett and Edmonds Houses have served as co-operative houses this year.

Appointments of Miss Catherine Williston and Miss Edith Annin to the posts of head resident of Edmonds House and Everett House respectively, were announced last night by Dean Small.

Miss Williston, a '49 graduate of the University of Washington, will be a second year grad student in Government.


A graduate of Bryn Mawr College, Miss Annin has served as head resident of 20 Walker Street during '48-49 and as head resident of Moors Hall this year. She will enter her third year next fall as a graduate student in government. Her home is in Richmond.

As head residents, Miss Williston and Miss Annin will direct the life in their dorms and help girls with their personal problems.
