
Annex PBK Picks Ten More Seniors

Election of ten Radcliffe seniors to the Iota Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa was announced last night by Miss Carolyn Stubbs '24, chapter secretary.

Electees are: Ruth Ahara, Biochemical Sciences; Mary Grimley, English; Erica Hecht, English; Ann Howe, English; Mary Lyon, English; Mrs. Berna Osnos, Classics; Rosalind Rudy, Romance Languages and Literatures; Dorit Selig, English; Alice Sizer, Romance Languages and Literature; and Mrs. Barbara Snelling, Philosophy.

Morning Induction

Initiation ceremonies for the group take place at 9:15 this morning in the Ghirlandajo Room of Agassiz House. Miss Mary Lee '10, chapter president, will officiate.

The initiation of the new members will bring the number of senior Phi Beta Kappa members to 21 girls, approximately ten percent of the graduating class.


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