
1300 Seniors, Guests Take Harbor Cruise; Ball Game, Dinner, Concert, Dance Tonight

Class Devotes Day to Entertaining Itself

Close to 1300 passengers including seniors, their dates and parents, left Foster's Wharf at 9 p.m. on the liquor-laden Boston Belle and returned three hours later, slightly the better for wear, from a cruise of Boston Harbor.

With Class Day exercises out of the way, the senior class will continue to devote itself to pure entertainment today.

The class will assemble at 3 p.m. this afternoon for the trek to Soldiers Field to watch Ira Godin and the varsity baseball team try to avenge Monday's New Haven loss to Yale. The contest begins on the varsity diamond at 3:30 p.m.

Supper in Lowell

After the game, a buffet supper awaits the graduating class in Lowell House courtyard. The feast will take from 6 to 8 p.m.


Next on the docket is the Band and Glee Club concert at 8:15 p.m. in the Tercentenary Theatre. An informal dance for seniors and alumni in Lowell House courtyard begins at 10 p.m. to wind up the day's events. Kon Bartiott will supply music.
