
HAA Lists Spring Letter Winners

The Athletic Association yesterday announced this spring's letter and numeral awards. They are based on participation in a certain percentage of scheduled games, or on a minimum number of minutes spent in intercollegiate competition, with the Yale game given extra weight.

Names of award winners follow:

Freshman Baseball

Major Baseball Numerals--1953

Arnow, Lewis, Canepa, John Charles, Chase, George Wigglesworth, Collins, John Francis, de Rham, David Patterson, Greeley, Walter Franklin, Hubbard, Edward Amory, Johnson, Russell Edward, Leighton, Delmar, Jr., O'Brien, James Browster, O'Connor, Daniel John, Rhinelander, Frederick William Templeton, Ricketson, Scott, Smith, Robert James (Captain), Venderlage, Erwin Frederick, Jr., Wade, Charles Milliken, Ward, Robert Brown, Spalding, Oakes Ames, Jr. (Manager).


Varsity 150-Pound Crew

Minor Crew H

Allen, Samuel Marston '51, Barrett, Theodore Boutelle '51, Benson, Frank Weston, 2d '49, Chadwick, William John '51 (Captain), Flagg, Washington Allston, Jr. '52, House, Theodore Grant '52, Marston, Byrne Richard '51, Monslage, Robert Pearce '51, Morgan, John Casimir, Jr. '52, Dexter, Nathaniel Thayer '50 (Manager).

Junior Varsity 150-Pound Crew

Minor Crew H

Decker, John Barry '51, Landergan, Walter Lawrence, Jr. '50, Wells, John Shippen '51.

Junior Varsity 150-Pound Crew

Major Crew Numerals

Abeles, Charles Calvert '52, Beggs, John William '52, Gillies, Richard W. '52, Gordon, Joel Ethan '52, Murdoch, William Sutcliffe '52, Potter, William Sutton '51.

Freshman 150-Pound Crew
