
College's Graduates Low in Birth Derby

There is one field in which the College's graduates are not leaders. In fact, they don't even come close. According to a recent survey by the Population Reference Bureau in Washington, the College's alumni have an average of only 1.13 children apiece. That makes the College 11th in a field of 16 schools surveyed in New England.

And that also means that the College men fail even to reproduce their class--it takes an average of 2.1 children per graduate for a class to do this.

Surrounding women's schools do very little better on the production line. Simmons has 1.49 children per graduate, and Wellesley 1.34. But that's compared to a national average of 1:15 (for men: 1.4).

The averages are based on the 1940 graduating classes. Radcliffe was not polled.
