
College Heads Talk Tonight In Symposium

Five college presidents will speak at a sponsors dinner tonight in Dunster House for the Harvard Foundation for Advanced Study and Research.

President Conant will introduce Kenneth C.M. Sills, president of Bowdoin, who will moderate a symposium to be held after the meal. Participating in the discussion will be James P. Baxter III '14 of Williams, Henry M. Wriston of Brown, and Leonard Carmichael of Tufts-all alumni of University graduate schools.

Theme of Discussion

The main theme of the discussion will center about the "Popularity of Scholarship." Baxter, former master of Adams House, will speak on the "Role of Science," while Carmichael will discuss "Leadership of the Free Society." "College Teaching" will be analyzed by Wriston in his talk.

The Foundation for Advanced Study and Research--which is the alumni organization of the graduate schools of Arts and Sciences, Design, Education, and Public Administration-in arranging a June reunion program for the men of its four schools for the first time in University history.



Tomorrow, graduate school alumni will attend a joint luncheon with Law School men in the Pierco-Langdell quadrangle at which Conant will speak.

Plans also call for the new Graduate Center to be open for inspection tomorrow afternoon. A series of guided tours has been arranged for visitors, and two model rooms have been furnished for exhibition.
