
University Housing Made Available To Harvard Way Project Families

All veterans and their families now living in the soon-to-be-razed Harvard Way housing project will have a low-cost, University-owned apartment by September, Donald D. Hathaway of Hunneman and Company said last night.

Hunneman and Company, official real estate agents for the University, by last Friday had offered space in housing units to all Harvard Way dwellers. Hathaway said yesterday that all had accepted, and would take occupancy in either June or September, depending upon what unit they choose to live in.

Some Fear Rent Increase

Melvin M. Prague 2L, a resident of Harvard Way, said last night that he "and everyone else as far as I can see," is entirely satisfied with the now allocations. He added that some veterans fear that there may be a rent increase in the now housing.

Hathaway said that the University's decision to furnish the new low-cost housing was not at all influenced by the American Veterans Committee's drive to continue Harvard Way. "It is our job to provide this housing for veterans," he commented.
