
Nine Bows to Tufts-Or Did It Win?

Jumbos Triumph Over 9 Inning Stretch

Tufts and Harvard played a friendly practice baseball game at Soldiers Field. Just who beat whom, however, is something of a mystery. Tufts was ahead, 5 to 4, at the end of the regulation nine innings. But by special agreement the game was continued until 4:30 p.m., allowing 11 innings to be played. Harvard scored three runs in the last of the 11th, to lead, 8 to 5.

Boston Red Sox scouts Johnny Murphy and Bill Barrett were at the game to watch Ira Godin, who started for the Crimson Godin was equal to the occasion. He gave up no runs and but three hits--two of them of the scratch variety--in the four innings he pitched. He also struck out five.

Three Tallies

Meanwhile, the Crimson was accumulating three runs off Tufts starter Dave Lincoln, as the Jumbos yielded single runs in the first, second, and fourth innings.

But this lead wasn't enough against Tufts, the N.C.A.A. District One champion. With Barry Turner on the mound for the Crimson, the Jumbos sandwiched two singles and a double around walks and sloppy fielding to take the lead with four runs. An error and two hits gave Tufts another run in the sixth.


Bob Lauber took over the Tufts pitching chores in the fifth inning, and hurled scoreless ball for the four innings he was on the mound. The Harvard batters could do nothing with his low curve, which consistently found the outside corner.

But after his shaky start in the fifth and sixth innings, Turner was just as tough on Tufts, allowing no runs from the seventh through the 11th.

Dave Niles, supposedly Tufts' best pitcher, took over in the ninth, but he just didn't have it. Benny Akillian hit him for a home run in the ninth, and the roof really fell in in the 11th.

Caulfield opened the funing with a ground single, and White came through on the hit and run, punching a ground ball over the hole left by the second baseman's covering second.

Crosby scored two runs with a fly to deep center field which dropped for a triple when the centerfielder misjudged the ball. Akillian scored Crosby with a ground single. Robinson got a single when the centerfielder dropped his Texas Leagner after a long run.

After Huntington popped out and Cavanaugh forced Robinson, Turner lined a single over shortstop, Cavanaugh stopping at second. Foynes was safe on the first basemans error, but Caulfield flied out to end the inning.

The game was a warmup one for both teams. Tufts goes on to participate in the N.C.A.A. tournament, while Harvard plays its final two games against Yale.
