
Eight Students Will Get Awards Friday

Six undergraduates and two graduate students, chosen by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, will receive awards this Friday at 12:30 p.m., in the Faculty Room. To Vincent E. Starsinger '50 will go the James Gordon Bennet Prize; to Alfred Arnovitz '51, the Philo Sherman Bennet Prize; to Stephen M. Schwebel '50, the Chase Prize; to Richard F. Pedersen, 3G, the Sumner Prize; and to Carl E. Schorske, candidate for PhD. this June, the Toppan Prize. These awards, given for theses, consist of incomes from invested funds.

Thomas E. Weesner '51 will receive $50 from the History and Literature Department for the purchase of books, and Earl C. Ravenal '52 will be awarded a special Barret Wendell Prize of $50 for the purchase of books.


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