
Activities Fill Commencement Week

College Heads, Alumni Will Journey Here

Five consecutive days of activities will precede the University's 299th Commencement which takes place Thursday, June 23, according to plans announced last night. President Conant will deliver the Baccalaureate Sermon in Memorial Church Sunday, while on Monday there will be an oration by Cleanth M. Brooks, professor of English at Yale. Addressing the annual literary exercises of the University Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in Sanders Theatre, Brooks will speak on "The Present Crisis in Culture."

Four college presidents will participate in a symposium on Tuesday evening after a dinner at Dunster House for the Harvard Foundation for Advanced Study and Research. All four Kenneth Sills of Bowdoin, James P. Baxter of Williams, Henry M. Wriston of Brown, and Leonard Carmichael of Tufts are graduates of the University's Graduate Schools.

First Reunion

On Wednesday a luncheon in the Pierce-Langdell Triangle will mark the first University Graduate Schools reunion in history. Conant will speak after the meal.

Besides the PBK literary exercises, which are open to the public, students can also attend the Senior Spread in Lowell House Courtyard on Monday evening, Class Day exercises in Sever Quadrangle the following afternoon, and the Senior Moonlight Cruise on Tuesday evening.


The traditional Harvard-Yale baseball game will take place at Soldiers Field on Wednesday and will be followed by Senior buffet supper in Lowell House.

In the evening the Glee Club and Band will join in a Yard concert on the Memorial Church stage. After the concert, seniors, alumni and guests can attend an informal courtyard dance at Lowell House.

Over 5,000 alumni will watch an estimated 3,100 students receive degrees at Commencement ceremonies which start at 9:30 Thursday morning in the Yard. Following an alumni luncheon in the Yard, a procession, led by Chief Marshall Gardner Cowles '25 and representing 70 classes, will enter Torcentary Theatre for the Alumni Meeting.

Afternoon speakers will be Conant, several honorary degree winners, including Dean Acheson and Clarence Randall '36, president of the Alumni Association. Governor Paul A. Dever, who will be escorted by the traditional mounted troops, will also deliver an address.

Radcliffe Starts Saturday

Radcliffe Commencement activities will get under way Saturday when classes from 1898 on up return to the Yard for Alumnae Day.

Speakers for a special symposium that night in Agassiz Theatre will be Alice Johnson Brown, Vera Micheles Dean, Ruth Ayres Given, Sybil Alice Stone, and Shia-Chen Whang Lee.

Baccalaureate will take place Sunday, the Alumnae Dinner on Monday. Class Night festivities will take place at 8 p.m. Tuesday evening.
