
Coats Off!


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Harvard, to me, has been truly a wonderful place, with one exception: in the College dining halls there is a rule--coats and ties must be worn at all times. For the benefit of the housemasters who require the tutors and women in charge of the dining halls to enforce this rule, I say it stinks--especially in this weather.

Twice since 1946 I've talked to different deans about this rule. My freshman year the rationalization was something about alumni wishes, and appearances reflecting inner truths. This year the story was that the rule was not a University Hall affair, but that it was a prerogative of the individual Housemaster.

More out of a desire to avoid bothering the underlings in the dining hall than because of respect for this silly regulation, I've usually made it a point to be "fully clothed" when I eat. Last Wednesday evening, June 7th, I was an inter-house guest at Lowell House. It was a bit warm, I acted like an uncouth beast. I took my coat off. Duty bound, the woman in charge of propriety, etc., came. The old story. I left, unjustly rankled at her (she does what she's told), but, I think, rightfully fed up with this archaic carry-over from the days of waitress service, spats, and ruffles.

The "gentlemen" in the Business and Grad School dining halls dress as they please for meals. Why shouldn't we? Are we an inferior (or possibly superior) brand of cat?


It has taken hot weather to pressure me to write this. Weather, hot or cold, grads, "dressed" or not, I think that the powers that be ought to unbend and abolish the timeworn "Little Lord Fauntleroy" ruling. L. W. Feasler '50
