
Radio Round Table Tonight Will Discuss Student Council

4-Man Panel Presents Views on Functions

Four viewpoints on the much-discussed Student Council situation will go out to the College tonight when two Council members, the "lenient" Council Abolitionist leader and a CRIMSON editor meet in a round table discussion over WHRB at 10:30 p.m.

Topic for the network initiated discussion will be the performance of this year's Council and possible plane for next year.

William E. W. Gowen '51, is expected to express specific complaints against this year's group that led him to help lead a referendum movement for complete elimination of the Council.

Air Council View

Council incumbent Henry M. Silvetra '51 and member-elect William R. Polk '51 will discourse on likes and dislikes of this year's Council along with their tentative plans for next year. Robert E. Herzstein '52 of the CRIMSON will represent the paper's stand on functions and organization of the student representative body.


Gowen recently took over leadership of the abolition movement from Merrill O. Young '51, and at the same time stated that he will allow the Council a certain length of time to revise itself, then if it doesn't do so satisfactory, he will start a new petition for abolition.

Meanwhile a student revision committee has been working on the Council's constitution. It is still undecided as to whether it will be able to present its recommendations to this year's Council or will be forced to hold its work until next year.
