
HOC Cyclis Set For Waban Grind

The B.A.A. Marathon ended April 19, and the Indianapolis Speedway Race won't be run until Memorial Day, but 50 strong-legged bicyclists will combine the best features of both events Sunday when they race from the Stadium to Wellesley in the Outing Club's annual classics.

Prize for the winner will be a new English Dawes racer, the two-wheeled equivalent of a Rolls-Royce. The Dawes and 12 other prizes will be donated by the Bicycle Exchange. Competitors in the race will put up nothing more than a 25-cent entrance fee.

Handicaps Offered

Hardest stretch in the 17-mile course is the pull up and over Chestnut Hill. Balloon-tired bikes may have difficulty making that one, but they will be given a 20-minute handicap.

In an effort to make the race as fair as possible, the Outing Club has devised an elaborate system of time handicaps. Besides the 20minute head start for Balloon-tired bikes, the Club will let American thin-thried and English turning bikes have ten and six minutes handicaps respectively. Racing bikes must start from scratch.


After the race ends, Wellesley girls will be hostesses at a spread and general field days for contestants and spectators.
