
Outing Club Cavorts On Sadie Hawkins Day

The Outing Club will hold its second annual Sadie Hawkins Day picnic at the Cabot Reservation in Waltham at 2 p.m. tomorrow.

After the will to resist has been sapped with the traditional Kickapoo Joy Juice, the boys will be given a three minute head start. The chances are, though, that they won't run too fast or hide too well, for girls from Wellesley, Sargent, Radcliffe, and Simmons, among others, are expected to chase them. Unfortunately for the gals, the original Marrying Sam will not be present. There will, however, be an imposter with full power to perform common-law marriages, and adequate divorce facilities.

Sadie Hawkins Day was originated in the "L'il Abner comic strip.
