Following are the biographies of candidates for class representative to the Student Council:
Class of 1951
James E. Barrett, Jr--Waltham; chairman, Union Committee; Sophomore Class Committee; chairman, Junior Class Committee.
Sheldon L. Berens--Lowell; Student Council Combined Charities Drive; P.B.H. Blood Drive; vice-chairman, United Nations Council of Harvard; Lowell Social Science Forum; Lowell Opera; Liberal Union; Detur Prize.
Samuel C. Butler-Cambridge; Union Committee; chairman, Freshman Athletic Committee; Adams House Committee; varsity football.
John Cowles, Jr.--Eliot; Union Committee; freshman hockey and lacrosse; president, Signet Society.
Robert V. DIBIaslo--Varsity Club; varsity football; varsity hockey; Junior Usher; Varsity Club; varsity track.
Donald W. Dowd--Eliot; freshman debating; Glee Club; P.B.H.; president, Liberal Union.
Roy M. Goodman-Eliot; secretary, Jubilee Committee; Glee Club; Union Debating Society; Union Dance Committee; freshman 150 crew; treasurer, Student Council; CRIMSON: chairman, Charities Unallocated Funds Committee.
Phillip L. Isenberg--Winthrop; Pierian Sodality; freshman football; varsity football; P.B.H. social service; Winthrop Education Committee.
James P. Johnson--Kirkland; freshman soccer; varsity soccer; House Committee; Outing Club; Pre-medical Society; P.B.H.
William R. Polk--Winthrop; P.B.H. social service; chairman, P.B.H. Blood Drive; P.B.H. cabinet; House Committee; vice-chairman, Combined Charities Drive; Crimson Key Society.
David C. Skinner--Winthrop; Union Committee; freshman baseball; freshman basketball; Junior Class Committee; House Committee; chairman, House Election Committee; Hasty Pudding Theatricals.
Class of 1952
Richard T. Button--Lowell; Student Council Public Relations Committee; Varsity Club.
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