
Appointments Of University Profs Okayed

President Conant yesterday confirmed the promotion to University Professorships of Percy W. Bridgman '04, Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and Zachariah Chafee, Jr., Langdell Professor of Law. The appointments increased to six the number of University Professors.

Bridgman will hold a Higgins University Professorship; support for this post 0will come from the Eugene Higgins Trust, a $34,000,000 fund established in 1948 for the support of scientific education and research at Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton.

Cohn Given New Title

Biochemist Edwin H. Cohn, appointed to a University Professorship last May, also became a Higgins University Professor yesterday in recognition of the support the Higgins Trust gives Cohn's work.

Established in 1935, University Professorships permit their holders to work anywhere in the University--not limited by the usual departmental lines. Chafee next year will teach a General Education course on "Fundamental Human Rights" and a Comparative Literature course on "Copyright and other Legal Protection for Literature." Bridgman will conduct a Social Relations seminar on the "Logic of Agreement."


Bridgman won the Nobel Prize in 1946 for his work in "high pressure physics." Chafee, noted for his interest in civil liberties, was a United States delegate to the United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information in 1948.
