
Varsity, Yardling Tennis Teams Will Contest Strong Elis Today

Jack Barnaby's tennis team will journey to New Haven today to oppose a favored Eli squad in the final match of the year. This year the Crimson has racked up a four and four record in regular season competition after winning one and dropping four on the spring trip. Yale's showing has been considerably better.

Last year, however, dopesters also figured the Blue for an easy victory and were surprised when the Crimson got hot and tied the contest at seven apiece before dropping the final match 10-8 in the third set. If everyone can come up with a good day Harvard could take this one.

In the annual Yale match, ten singles players and five doubles teams compete instead of the usual six and three. Broward Craig and Captain Hillard Hughes will again hold down the first two singles positions and will also play first doubles.

Bob Bramhall, whose hard-hitting game has been improving with experience all spring, will play third singles and then team with Chase Peterson at second doubles. Jack Frey, Bob Kaynes, and Aaron Cohodes around out a steady four-five-six order.

Paul Toblas, who is just beginning to hit his stride due to an early season foot injury, Mitch Reese, and Gerry Murphy will fill the eight, nine, and ten positions. All three have seen action this spring in the lower singles.


Nutt, Fuller Break Into Lineup

Lee Nutt, a steady left-hander, playing his first varsity match, will fill the tenth berth. A senior with three years on the squad, Nutt has been consistently advancing in squad tournaments all years as well as remaining undefeated in House tennis.

Unbeaten since their appearance into the lineup in the North Carolina match, Craig Combs and Bill Goodman will again fill the third doubles slot. Keynes and Reese will probably be paired for the first time this year in the fourth position.

Blair Fuller, who plays a powerful, flat-stroking game, will probably break into the order with Murphy to form the fifth combination.

Yale's strong freshman net squad is the only thing between the Yardings and a nine and one record for the year, and Correy Wynn's team has a reasonable chance of removing that obstacle today when it plays the Elis at 2 p.m. in New Haven.

Captain Charlie Ufford leads the strongest Yardling team that Wynn has coached. He will probably be matched against Ted Phoenix. Ufford has played fine tennis this season, losing only two tough matches.

Art French, second man for the Yardlings all season, has also had two losses. He will probably play Hank Blodgett. Third singles will most likely match Paul Trinchieri with Bob Dewey of Yale. Trinchieri, who started the season as sixth man, is one of the most improved players on the squad.

Watts Unbeaten

Undefeated in three matches, Dave Watts will play fourth for the freshmen. He and Berk Johnson will be out to avenge Saturday's doubles loss at Andover, the only doubles match a freshman combination has lost this year. Johnson will play fifth singles and Dick Meyers will be sixth.

Ufford and Hatton are Corey Wynn's big guns in the doubles. They have been consistent leaders of the slightly top-heavy squad. Corey Wynn Hatton with the Trincheiry-Meyers combination at third doubles. Coaching consistent sweeps in doublers all season long.

Harrington and Hatton

On the "A" team, Bill Harrington and Harry Hatton have turned in some winning performances. On the "B" team, Marv Hebert, Ben Florin, Fred Moulton, Dick Rinderman, and Pete Morris have been steady performers.

Manager for the Yale match will be Frank Weil, selected yesterday as freshman manager for next year.

Amherst Sweeps Tourney

Ameherst's powerful New English intercollegiate tennis tournament entry carried the field yesterday, winning the doubles and clinching the singles. Ed Wesley and Bill Smith, top doubles combination from Amherst, were also the semi-final singles victors and will play off the finals on their home courts later this week.

Broward Craig and Hilliard Hughes, playing doubles for the Crimson, reached the semifinals before bowing to the M.I.T. team of Gerry Montsalvatge and St. John Baiu 4-6, 6-4, 6-0. Montsalvatge and Baiu lost to the Amherst team in the finals, 6-4, 8-6, 7-5.
