The University's first cricket team since 1906 will open its season tomorrow against a club of New York players on the Rugby Field.
Ian Stuart, Crimson captain, isn't yet sure of his starting lineup. He has been working with a large group of aspirants for about a month, trying to form a team.
Most of the players come from either India or other nations in the British Commonwealth. A large number are graduate students, although one of Stuart's outstanding starters is sophomore Eddie Seaga, a wicket keeper from Jamaica in the West Indies.
Bowler Corresponds to Pitcher
Besides Seaga, Stuart will also play Gehangiar Magaseth of India, one of the better bowlers in the group. A bowler is a cricket team's pitcher. The bowler, however, is not permitted to bend his arm, and consequently must deliver the ball with a peculiar overhand twist.
Dete De Rhamsey, also a native of India, is another nominee for action at bowler. Cricket bowlers throw the five-ounce ball a distance of 66 feet from the batsman. The bowler's main object is to knock four-inch strips of wood off stumps, called wickets. The batsman tries to keep the bowler from hitting the strips.
The batsman's other object is to hit the ball in such a way that he will be able to run to a second set of stumps. Every time he reaches the other wicket he scores a run. He can continue to bat until the defending team succeeds in knocking the strips, or bails, off the wickets. He is also out if a fielder catches a fly ball.
Fair Balls All
One of the more puzzling features of cricket to baseball-conscious Americans is that there are no foul balls. The batsman may even hit the ball behind him. The bat is paddle-shaped to allow better control of the ball.
A team continues to bat until all 11 men have been declared out. This naturally makes for protracted, high scoring games. In tomorrow's encounter with the New York team, however, the Cricket Club fortunately plans to set a time limit on batting.
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J. W. Adams in Brooks House at 7.15