
Rugby Squad Will Encounter Tigers

The rugby team will take its four-game winning streak to Princeton tomorrow, where the Tiger fifteen will try to make up for the 6 to 3 beating it suffered on Soldiers Field a fortnight ago. There will be two games; the first fifteen plays at 1:30 p.m. and the second fifteen immediately afterwards.

The Crimson team will enter the game without Sam Adams, John Cotter, and Brad Lundberg. Adams is especially missed because of his aggressive attack play.

Although Princeton beat the Crimson 13 to 0 in Bermuda, the varsity ruggers, bolstered by the addition of seven players who were unable to take the Bermuda trip, defeated the Princeton team, 6 to 3, two weeks ago.

Captain Joe Eaton, unable to play in the second Princeton game will be able to compete in tomorrow's game, Ken Kunhardt, Bill Miller, and Joe Domenio will replace the injured players. It is Princeton's Houseparty weekend, which adds to the attraction of the game.
