
Dapper Crimeds to Cross Poon's Fashion Plate in Hordes Today

The latest word in spring styles will be seen this afternoon, as the undergraduate members of the Harvard CRIMSON meet their traditional rivals, the Harvard Lampoon, in the 92nd annual Cambridge Hunt Cup Regatta and Baseball Jamboree.

Setting the sartorial standard for the gala event will be the presidents of the respective organizations. Dyed M. Foulard, CRIMSON will be attired in an impeccable knee-length camel's hair shirt (available from Mohammeds Men's Shop), while Lampoon pace-setter Fabric M. Gowne will appear in a faultlessly tailored plaid toga (available from Marcellus MacTavish's Faultlessly Tailored Toga Togs). It is reliably reported that in the event of rain, Mr. Gowne will cover his toga with an exotic cape of woven pandanus leaves (available at the Arnold Arboretum).

Jamboree ceremonies will commence at 3 p.m. today, with a spectacular fashion parade from Plympton Streeet to the festive arena of Radcliffe's quadrangle.

A special feature of the fashionable gathering will be the presentation of the First Annual Cummerbund Cup, to the "most nattily attired outfielder." Presenting the beautiful piece will be Cummer von Bund, head of the German-American Cummer Bund. A check with Mr. Bund's office late last night revealed that he had not yet fixed upon his very correct costume for the occasion, but it was indicated that he will be "so lovely you could eat him."

Probable score and lineup:


CRIMSON 23, Lampoon 2.

Dyed M. Foulard, forehand

Ruddy Cashmere, 2.98

Eddie M. Covert 36--

Nicholas Vogue--24--

Rayon Steinberg--36

Pale White Mantilla, 6 7/8

Gunny J. Sack, lbs.

JR. Wedgie, Small 5AA

Norman M. Hinerfeld '51
