
'53 Jubilee Starts Tonight; Special Ticket Reduction

A special price for tickets to tonights Jubilee dance was announced last night by John Kean '53, chairman of the affair.

The ticket, which will only be good for the informal dance in Memorial Hall, will be sold at half the price of the combined ticket, and will be available at the door. Larry Green's band will be featured at the opening dance.

Preceding the dance tonight, a sunset supper will be held in the Union from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. The sunset supper replaces the traditional candlelight affair because of the Cambridge fire laws which forbid the use of candles indoors.

Some Still Available

Kean said that although ticket sales had gone well there were still a number available for all weekend events. They may be purchased at the Union.


The jubilee committee yesterday received a letter from Governor Dever's secretary expressing the Governor's regrets that he will be unable to come though he bought the first ticket. Members of the committee are now trying to get Mae West or Anton Karas to entertain, but the results of their efforts won't be known until later today.

Both Memorial Hall and the Union will receive special decoration for the weekend dances, but the committee would not reveal the central motif. Decorations for the Jubilee in Mem Hall last year were highly successful.
