

Pour les Oiseaux

A lot of Widener's sparrows joined the Glee Club in the first of three traditional Yard concerts Tuesday evening. The unexpected accompaniment was about the only thing new; as usual, the program was interesting and the performance up to the high Glee Club standard.

An outdoor concert demands a program of fairly robust music, as well as precise diction. The Glee Club met both these tests. They were best in "Gaudeamus," a college medley in a very clever arrangement by William Russell; Harvard Hymn, Glorious Appollo, Bacchanal, and Marching to Pretoria were also well suited to outdoor singing. "Magdelein im Walde," a Czech folk song, was the only muggy spot on the program, and it got the loudest response from the birds. After the concert, a large part of the audience joined the Glee Club in gusty renditions of football songs.
