
Adams Presents 'The Grand Duke' In House Tonight

Gilbert and Sullivan will be served up in the Adams House dining hall tonight when the Adams Musical Society presents "The Grand Duke." Admission to the concert performance, which starts at 8:30 p.m., will be free to all.

The light opera, which is the last Gilbert and Sullivan collaboration and also the least performed, will be given tonight by a 40-voice chorus and soloists. The show will be broadcast over WHRB and Radio Radcliffe.

William P. Perry '51 is the director of the performance and Russell A. Ames '51 plays the piano accompaniments.

Samuel V.K. Willson '50, who directed the Winthrop House production of "Pina-fore" earlier this year, heads the cast. It is Willson's first singing role.

Miss Adele Milhendler of Longy School is the feminine lead. Other members of the cast are James Perrin '50 and Walter M. Aikman '51. Miss Milhendler and Perrin both sang in the Lowell House production of "Dido and Aeneas."


Filling out the feature roles are Miss Marjorie Samsel of Boston University's School of Music, who appeared in a recent B.U. production of Mozart's "La Finta Giardinera," Frederick H. Gwynne '51, Jean Campbell '50, Sheila Walker '52, Gordon W. Philip '52, and Norman R. Shapiro '51.
