
Trains Will Give View of Yale Race

Observation Coaches Will Operate Out of Boston, New York

For the time since before the war, will be able to watch the three races between Harvard and Yale this year at the New London regatta on June 23 from the vantage point of New Haven coaches.

The railroad announced last night that would operate two observation trains which will move up and down the shore of the Thamen during all three of the races. Diesel locomotives will propel the trains instead of the steam-powered iron which showered spectators with and cinders in the pre-war days.

Observers of the famous rowing classic this year will be the first to watch the through large train windows is reclining chairs.

Ten-car trains, including dining cars, will leave Boston and Grand Central Station in New York on June 23, with from South Station in Boston at 2:45 p.m. and from Grand Central in New York at 2:20 p.m.

Intermediate Stops

The trains will proceed direct to the Thames Shore tracks with intermediate stops at Back Bay, Providence, and Westerly for the Boston train, and Stamford, South Norwalk, Bridgeport, and New Haven for the New York train.

After the trains join in New London, the observation cars, with a locomotive on each end, will move up and down the race course, providing passengers with an opportunity to see all three races and palling into New Haven's bridge at New London to provide and unobstructed view of the finish line.

Sales will be made to the general public as well as to students and alumni of the two universities. The only other vantage point which is normally available for the races is that from the yachts lined up for the occasion.
