
Belmont Hill Tops '53 Ball Team, 8-7

Belmont Hill's baseball team could get only two hits off the combined offerings of Luke Lockwood and Steve Stamotopolous yesterday, but ten Yardling errors combined to give the prep school team an 8 to 7 win over the freshman B squad.

The Yardlings could get only five hits themselves, three by first baseman Bucky O'Connor, but severe attacks of butter-fingers in the second, fourth, and fifth innings gave Belmont Hill an 8 to 1 lead and the ball game.

Today the A team will resume action, taking on Boston University at Nickerson Field. Dolph Samborski has nominated the stylish suthpaw, Scot Ricketson, to start against the Terriers, who beat the Yardlings, 4 to 2, in their first meeting this year.

Shortstop Walt Greeley's sprained ankle may force Samborski to put Fred Vonderlage in Greeley's place. Vonderlage will bat in the sixth slot in the batting order, while Captain Bob Smith will bat in Greeley's old number two spot.
