
'53 Track Squad Faces Tough Foe At Exeter Today

Looking for its third straight win, the freshman track team has only a fair chance of finding it when it meets Exeter away today. In the last meet of the winter season, Exeter defeated the freshmen, 39-42.

Freshman Captain Bob Mello will have plenty of competition in the pole vault. Exeter has four men who can top 11 feet--Jerry Babb, Rhodes Hart, Charles Crawford, and co-Captain Jim Ladd. Mello should take first in this event, but the Crimson will be hard-pressed for second and third.

Academy Has Good Milers

Exeter is also strong in the mile, where it will have Ed Mills and Cal Perkins. Although they are supposedly strong in the hurdles, the Exonians will probably fare badly again as the Yardlings will enter Bob Twitchell, who won both the highs and low against Rhode Island State last week.

Yardlings Should Win Dashes


Gil Schiff and Pete Curran should have little trouble in the dashes. In time trials, Dave Locher of the home team won the 100 in 10.7, and Bill Harper the 220 in 23.7. Last week Schiff won the 100 in 10.6 as Curran took the 220 in 23.1, both against a strong headwind.

Once again the Crimson should be blanked in the shot-put. Harvard coach Carl Olsen has yet to find a good putter, and Exeter has several. In the winter meet, they swept the event, with Pete Jones tossing the shot 49 feet. However, the freshmen will have no difficulty in the hammer throw, one of their best events.
