
Poole Defeats Bingham to Become HYRC Head; Gribble Vice-President

Gordon L. Poole '47, 2L became next year's president of the Young Republican Club last night by defeating Arthur W. Bingham '51. The vote was 36 to 38.

Poole will succeed Jay E. Janson '50. William H. Gribble '49 was elected vice-president to succeed Bingham.

Also elected were Earl Kulp '53, treasurer, and John M. Gregg '52, secretary. Sanford J. Langa '51 was reelected operations director, and Kingsley Murphy '52 was reelected publicity director.

Poole was a charter member of the club. He has served two years as membership director and one year as treasurer.

After the elections the Club issued a challenge to the Liberal Union to debate on the topic, "Boss Rule in Large Cities." It also passed a resolution calling on Congress to "intensify its activities in investigating crime and gambling in the United States and its relation to Democratic party politics."


Another resolution asked the Republican Party in Massachusetts to "select a slate giving broad racial, religious, and regional representation."

In the coming year the HYRC plans to concentrate on helping Republican candidates in the congressional elections, publicity director Murphy announced last night. He said the Club will continue to issue periodic reports dealing with current public questions.
