Charles Townsend Copeland '82, Roylsion Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, emerlins, celebration his 90th birthday today. Copey, as he was known during his 36 years at the University, will spend the day quietly at his Concord Avenue home. His health forbids the elaborate observances that used to be held.
Copeland began teaching at the College in 1892 as an instructor in English and rose to the Bolyston chair--a position be held from 1925 until his retirement in 1928. While a teacher, copey lived in the Yard; his most famous residence was Hollis 15, where he stayed for 28 years. Increasing age forced him to leave the Yard in 1932.
The last of his Christmas readings was given in December of 1946. At these sessions for freshman, Copeland always read the description of Christmas dinner at the Craichits' from Dickens "A Christmas Carol."
Copey also gave annual readings at the Harvard Club of New York. In addition, the Charles Townsend Copeland Association--a group of his former students--held a New York birthday dinner in his honor every year.
His close friendship with hundreds of undergraduates was another well-known feature of Copeland's life; he was said to have helped many students with their personal problems.
Famous Trio
Copey was one member of the famed literature-teaching trio at the University which included the late George Lyman Kittredge '82, Gurney Professor of English, and Bliss Perry, Francis Lee Higginson Professor of English Literature, emeritus, who will himself celebrate his 90th birthday in November.
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