
Council Reprints Poskanzer Report

The Student Council set aside $570 tonight for a third printing of the Pockanzer Report, the Council's 80-page evaluation of University educational policy.

The year-old report, titled "Harvard Education, 1948: The Student's View," was planned for a limited distribution, but the demand for the first two editions was so great that a third printing has become necessary.

During the past year, the pamphlet has been distributed to almost every major library in America. The University of Michigan has purchased eight copies for the Dean of Students, while Princeton has five copies that are required reading.

In New York City, the Board of Education has bought two copies for every high school guidance department. It has received wide distribution through Europe; members of the Faculty have sent 70 copies to European universities.

Its highest praise has come from the Sunday book supplement in the London Times. "The book," says the Times, "is written with conspicuous sincerity and is . . . an unconscious tribute to the education which it examines."
