
'53 Track Team, RIS Meet Today

All freshman track coach Carl G. Olson knows about the Rhode Island State yearlings is that his team will meet them at Soldiers Field at 1:30 p.m. this afternoon. He has a faint suspicion, however, that they will provide plenty of opposition, because "Rhode Island State usually comes up with good teams."

The Rhodies have two pole vaulters who will extend. Yarling Captain Bob Mello. Boy Linne has vaulted 12 feet, and a teammate 11:8. Mello's winning vault last Saturday as the freshmen defeated Andover and Boston College was 11 feet. Linne is the top man of the visiting team. He is strong in the same events as Mello vault, high and broad jumps but lacks Mello's experience.

Once again the freshmen will suffer because of spring football practice, especially in the field events. Men who look like good bets in today's meet after winning their events last week are Gil Schiff in the 220, Jim Little in the 880, and Bob Twitchell in the high and low hurdles.
