
Plays, Concert, Dance Open 'Cliffe '53 Weekend Today

Radcliffe's Freshman Weekend activities get underway this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. when the Class of '53 takes its senior sisters to Agassiz Theater to see "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals" and "The Pot Boilers," two one-act plays produced by the freshmen. During the intermission, tea will be served from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. in the Agassiz living room.

Tonight at 8 p.m., again in the Agassiz living room, the Crimson Stompers will give a jazz concert. Following their performance, the Stompers will for an informal dance.

Formal Dance Tomorrow

At the same time as the dance, freshmen will conduct a carnival in the gym where food, games, beanies and stuffed animals fill be sold. A special attraction will be a booth where Martha McCabe '53 and Janet McNeil '53 will dodge ping-pong balls.

Tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 p.m., girls and their dates will decorate Agassiz living room for the formal dance to be held that evening from 8 to 12 p.m. Preceding the "Modern Arts Ball," a formal supper will be served in Cabot and Whitman Halls.


Through their activities, the freshmen hope to raise $180 for the support of their foster child for a year and $330 to aid the Salzburg Seminar. Class members voted earlier this year to back these two projects.
