
Haines Names Boatings for '53 150-lb. Crew; First Race April 29

Lining Them Up

With his first race over a week away, on April 29, against M.I.T., Coach Bert Haines has already named his number one freshman 150-pound crew. The development of the first boat is on schedule, despite a late start on the Charles and hampering winds and rain.

Haines considers his first boat "better than average," although only three men had ever rowed before coming to Harvard. Stroke Pete Bullard rowed for Middle-sex, seven-man Dick Lincoln rowed at Exeter, and six-man Bill Wetmore was on the St. Mark's crew. Horatio Burns rows five, Andy Leighton four, Charlie Humpstone three, John Lincoln two, and Bill Glenn bow. Morrill Ordesky is the cox.

The second boat is stroked by John Ellis, with Bob Bourne at seven oar, Art Herbst six, Dick Taylor five, Bob Lofgren four, Leo O'Connell three, Stan Kahrl two, and John Churchill bow. Sam Gilman coxes the second boat.

Two time trials have shown that the first boat is improving, but Haines will not release the times. Another trial is scheduled for tomorrow.

As yet the first boat has not worked down to the racing weight, but Haines says that another week will take care of this problem.


Last year the Yardling 'fifties won the freshman Eastern 150 title on Lake Carnegie at Princeton.
